Accepted Audio Formats

Here's a list of the file formats we accept. It's a really long list.

To meet the different needs of our clients, we accept a very wide range of audio and video file formats. We regularly work with the standard file formats including mp3, WAV and mp4 files. However, we also accept:-

  • Audio file formats:-

    AAC, ACT, AIFC (Compressed AIFF), AIFF, AMR, APE, AU, CAF (Apple Core Audio Format), DCT (Express Dictate, MSRS, etc.), DSP TrueSpeech, DSS, DVF (Sony recorder), DVS (Royal recorder), FLAC, OGG, M4A, MP2, MP3, MPC, MSV (Sony recorder), QCP, RA / RM (RealAudio), SHN, SPX, VOC, VOX, WAV (Including ADPCM, aLaw, GSM 6.10 PCM, and uLaw codecs), WMA

  • Video file formats:-

    3G2, 3GP, ASF, AVI, DivX, DV, FLV, M4V, MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG, WMV

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